Friday 8 December 2017

Keeping Promises

A couple of weeks ago in church, one of our number was prompted by the Holy Spirit, to hand out chocolate coins, one to each person in the church and they had to hand it out themselves.
Thursday just passed was my turn for devotional sharing at band rehearsal and as I was returning home from work I realised I hadn't prepared when the chocolate coin dropped into my mind. I hadn't eaten the coin until the previous day ( Wednesday) and up until then I had kept it in my coat pocket.
The reason I chose to eat this coin is because it was representative of God's promises for me. I had been holding on to this coin, I had been keeping it safe. Not eating it because God's promises are special. But it got me wondering. The purpose of the chocolate coin, before it had been handed to me, before it had been bought and brought to church, was to be eaten. The chocolate's purpose couldn't be fulfilled because I was holding on to it.
What if we are holding on to God's promises for us that we are not allowing blessings to be fulfilled? What if I have been so focused holding on to God's promise, I'm not using the blessing?

The outworking of God's promises rarely meet our ideas of what we think they would be.
If I am so determined to hold onto that promise, am I withholding that which needs to be returned to God? His promises never return void, but they do need to be returned. Am I missing living in my blessings because I am waiting for a promise that has been already been given? What blessings has God placed for purpose already to enable the Kingdom that I have missed because I have the plan for the future blessings in my head of what I think it will look like. Why was I  waiting for the right time to eat my chocolate coin, when God gives his promises in blessing that is when they need to be used. Look around you and watch out for what procrastination by way of timing has been stopping you fulfilling God's plans for His Kingdom. Even the most humble and hard-working of servants can misinterpret meanings.

Matthew 25:14-30 demonstrates perfectly about holding onto a promise from fear whether of  losing it or displeasing God,  missing out on blessing. 

Isaiah 28:24 Talks about how when the preparation is laid, when the tools are ready to be used and the way ahead prepared, to move forward, to change, to advance ( hey pastor, guess who was listening ;) ) 

Ecclesiastes 11:4 shows that if you are waiting for the perfect moment you will do nothing. Its not the right time to move forward...its not the right time. God has lined things up and it is always in His time, and as He is Perfection, why are YOU waiting for the right time, it is now. If you are at constant battle holding onto God's promise and waiting for the right time then you will go round in circles, ploughing the same field, doing the same repetitive thing over and over getting no nearer harvest time. 

It is not when you feel you are ready, it is when He has handed you the chocolate, use the blessings lined up around you and move into your new season under Jesus. 

Thanks for reading :)