Saturday 23 September 2017

Lost is transition

I love it when God answers a prayer in a tangible way, it assures us that he is listening.

Especially in desperate seasons and we see how he has come through and we know he is listening. I've been finding myself get so grateful for the urgent answers, God's immediate solutions to our problems that I have forgotten some of the plans I was promised before I needed to pray into my tough season.

I almost get so wrapped up in making the most of this current blessing that I forget to look forward. I get stuck in the transition. I forget that God gives provisions to move forward not to settle in.

We should be striving for forward movement, what is coming next, actively perusing God's will, challenging ourselves to do more. We can wait on God's word, but once it has been spoken, we need to run with it. If we settle in the transition of this is where we are now, we will inevitably disobey God and leave ourselves feeling frustrated by being boxed into a place, waiting for the time to start, instead of being ready to start when it's time.

Think of it as being in training. If you wait to start training or practicing until your job or purpose is ready to start, then we will never achieve our purpose as God gives it in his time, when he decides we are ready. And to be ready we have to prepare.

I watched to great sermons recently, Stephen Furtick's put passion in its place and, Craig Groschel's overcomer part 1. Both of these have reinforced in me that we cannot wait for other people to tell us when God's wanting start something. We start it when God first touches our heart with it, and only when we have enough practice or training will God open the doors that lead us forward.

Have an awesome week.

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