Friday 11 May 2018

Do I make you uncomfortable?

Sometimes I have walked into a room where people turn me into an elephant. They avoid eye contact and pretend I don't exist. I make them uncomfortable. Fantastic, because the more I pray to be like Jesus, the more people will get that awkward feeling around me.

Having heard devotional thoughts from a close friend about excellence for God, I see why other people make me uncomfortable. They make me uncomfortable because they are placed by God to help me question my own attitude towards living for Him. So I deflect people. I don't understand why I get uncomfortable so I start cutting them out and assume that they are trying to call me out on my failings, instead of me recognising I asked God for an opportunity to move forward so he brings forth the challenges that I need to comit myself to overcome, to grow in pursuit of His will.

We draw comfort from God, we are not meant to be comfortable in Him, we are meant to recognise that we are supposed to be in conflict with ourselves.  A goldfish only grows to size of the bowl it's in. How big will your Sequoia grow if you plant it in a pot? Is the Sequoia tree known for it's vastness supposed to be a pot plant?

This message shared last night was reinforced this morning by a Steven Furtick preach from the Savage Jesus series.

Praying that you remember that while you don't need to be the best, God requires you doing your best. Your attitude towards yourself and complacency reflects what you think is good enough for our God.

I pray I've made you uncomfortable today.
Have an awesome week of growth xx

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