Thursday 11 August 2016

Finding Home

Last week the youth, young adults and some of our church leaders took part in Rocknations Conference 1, at LifeChurch Bradford.
This experience was revelation after revelation for me.  I am excited to share everything, but for now I will share what I shared the first morning in church after Rocknations.
As we were driving home, I was getting excited about seeing our dog, and was reminiscing about how we came about rescuing her.
It started when bf had seen a picture on the rescue centre website. There was a picture of  a scarred black dog in profile and he wanted her.
It was about a month later when we went to the rescue centre. First time we walked around the cages, I walked past her, bf had to call me back. He wanted her. She stood up on her back legs and called to me through the bars.
The second time we walked round she had pulled back into her outer pen, we noted the cage number, and spoke to reception, and they gave us her name.
The third time we went to see her, she wasn’t there; she was hiding in the darkness inside.  We called her name a couple of times, after two minutes this little head popped sideways out of the hole in the wall. After we called her name a couple more times she started edging out into the light, then as it hit home we were calling for her she bounded towards us, filled with so much joy and happiness that the reality was we wanted her.  We wanted her as much as she wanted us.
In the car, we realised that this moment in our lives was representative of our relationship with God. That He wants us as much as we want Him. I still feel overwhelmed with joy and love at this  memory, I can’t comprehend the force power that God feels when another child comes back to Jesus,  at the magnitude of Love.

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