Thursday 29 September 2016

Fancy a quick fix?

A  couple of weeks ago in church my pastor made a comment that stuck with me and fuelled some thought.

Microwave miracles.

I once had an overweight acquaintance who said they wanted to loose weight.  She went for a 20 minute walk once, and said exercise is useless because nothing changed! I was gobsmacked! What did she expected to happen? That suddenly she would drop 7 dress sizes overnight? Without doing any thing? She didn't change her diet, she didn't sweat, she didn't want it enough to actually do anything about it. She wanted a quick fix, a microwave miracle!

Miracles are miraculous because in my view they are tools. You are worried about money, you somehow receive money. How you use that money is up to you. Do you buy a takeaway meal or go the supermarket?
You want a family, you are blessed with a child. Do you raise the child to be a family, or are you a group of people related to each other?  Miracles are platforms for change.

Anything that holds true value takes time. So you can appreciate it. Nothing can be appreciated fully if you don't know what goes behind it.

In the western world especially, where the lazy culture is prominent it is impossible for some people to wait for things. We take the pleasure of anticipation away because we settle for something perhaps not even good let alone great or that we really want because it's quick!

What is patience? With exercise and cooking it's the process of pro active waiting.
If I am patient enough, the chicken will defrost itself and turn into a first class meal for me to eat. All I need to do is be patient, I am ready, I am ready for it to come to me! I haven't eaten chocolate all week! Why is it not coming to me!

Maybe because YOU have to cook it. You have been given the power to bring it to yourself, so why don't you?  So many people ignore their power, because it's easier to let someone else do it for you.

We are all guilty of laziness or wanting to be lazy. We all wish someone else will do it for us. If I wait long enough so-and-so will do it for me. #lifefail in my view. And then wonder why you spend time complaining about your life circumstances. The thing is you can change it! It's in your power, you have the control!

You can't wait for God to speak to you, you have to speak to him. You can't just say "Jesus, I want this, thanks" and expect to get something. You have the tools to follow, and the choice to be pro-active, and you will be gifted with what you need as a reward for faithfulness.

My mother has a saying which I heard frequently as I grew up, "I wants', never gets. Never gets, what's not needed".

I believe God has the same phrase. That He knows what you need even if you don't know it yourself.

If you want change in your life, you need to be pro-active.
Appreciate your small miracles, be thankful for what you have, and the good things that happen.  Remember that when you receive your gifts, they will be platforms for change, and not microwave miracles.

Thank you for reading ☺

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