Wednesday 19 October 2016

I don't want to Get Right With God

There are so many different branches of Christianity, and Worshipping God that in my head I see a huge praise tree. My beliefs on my relationship with God will most certainly differ from other peoples, and will most likely offend someone.

In truth last week I think it did. Out on my lunch break, a woman offers me a newspaper. I asked what it was, I really wanted to know. It was a Good News Paper. The woman starts to offer me the paper and asks 'Can I ask if you know Jesus Christ?' 

I'm proud of my faith so I answered 'Yes, I go to a Pentecostal Church'.

Which was when she slid her paper back into her pile just before I could take it. We had a few seconds more of polite conversation before I headed back to work, a little stunned as to why I had been denied a paper. Was it because I was already saved? or because I am Pentecostal, was I damned in her view?

I suppose people think because we rejoice with emphasis we are a bit loony. Remember in Acts 2:13 people made fun of those touched by the Holy Spirit,  they thought they were drunk. I nearly put in a cheesy line about being Spirit-filled, not filled with spirits. :P

As with most things, this got my mind ticking. Some time ago a leaflet was posted through my door. I will not name the Church. Now please note, I'm not having a go at the message, I'm more concerned about the method it was delivered. (And I don't mean through the door)

Point one was about how it is necessary to get right with God because of our condition.
Point two, our condition as sinners.
Point three, because of Calvary it is possible.
Point four, its a limited time offer.
Point five, it is the greatest blessing.

For me personally, this is not an encouraging piece of paper. It says;
I need to get on God's good side. Because I am a sinner.

I really dislike the first phrase, to me it suggests that God can be won over with sucking up. You need to get on His good side? He's not your boss you need impress when they can see you, and slack when they don't. I don't need to get on God's good side, He already loves me. I want him to know I am on His side.

The word sinner is a scary word to a lot of people. You can feel like a pantomime baddie if the words are applied to you. Like you are waiting for the boos and hisses.......
My pastor has a fantastic way of breaking down things,
Sinner - to have sinned - to not be perfect- Jesus is perfect, (Sorry Pastor R! I tried!)
I am not as perfect as Jesus. That isn't a revelation to me. I have regrets and doubts within my life and  I have had struggles with my conduct and faith. Following Christ is a tough thing, and I look to him to guide me because I know I fall short. But God loves me anyway.

The message continues:
Jesus died and that's why we can be saved.
I feel that that is definitely spun the wrong way. Jesus was crucified TO save us. Our salvation is not a by-product of Jesus's earthly sacrifice, it was the reason for it.

And point four:
Its a limited time offer! Two things come to me from this.
The phrases conjures TV shopping channels. For £39.99 deposit and go to Church once a week hereafter and you can secure your spot in Heaven!!
But after the initial amusement,  the sadness washes through me when it sinks in that this comes across as a scare tactic. Putting the fear into people to save themselves. I worry about people who go to church out of self preservation. Do you want to be with God in heaven or are you trying to avoid your Hell? And I feel so sad, because you can never truly love what you fear. They are missing out on point five!

The Greatest Blessing!
It is my greatest blessing. I love having the miracles and blessings I have been gifted, but the greatest blessing is Peace. Having the place I can anchor to, keep myself grounded when I'm loosing the plot.

So, yes, knowing God is wonderful. But again on this piece of paper make it sound like an incentive.
You do all this, you'll get blessed!

The whole leaflet feels like its putting emphasis on avoiding Hell.
You need to know God
You have Sinned
You have an out
You are running out of time
You will be rewarded.

When it could be so much more inviting if it was written about Him, do you agree?

God wants to know you
He knows you aren't perfect
He forgives
He is waiting
He loves his children

Thanks for reading :)

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