Thursday 22 December 2016

I don't celebrate Xmas

Isn't it sad that so many people I know hate Christmas? But I don't think they hate Christmas, I think that maybe the warm fuzzy feeling of Christmas we have been taught to expect, the excitement of presents and of miracles happening at this time of year, when unfulfilled gives a negative feeling to what should be a celebration. Maybe something has happened at this time of year, maybe someone has gone to be with God, maybe you have less money you wish to spend on presents. I've taken to saying in the past few days that if the drumming of a poor boy can satisfy the mightiness of Jesus, then whatever is given, small or even non-corporeal, is more than enough for everyone else.  

I don't celebrate Xmas, I celebrate Christmas. Before I came back to Christ it was one of the only times I would feel fulfilled. My family would gather on Christmas Eve at my mum's church for carol singing and a watch night service. There was something so special about us taking the time to get together and see in Christmas. One year it started snowing as the bells ended, it felt magical. I see now that I have chosen to follow Christ that it was because I was spending time with Him that allowed me to see and feel the wonder at Christmas time.

When you speak of a previous happening you call it an Ex. Like an ex-spouse, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-colleagues. Xmas. When the term Xmas is used it more than implies that the birth of  Christ is something that used to be celebrated. Which for a lot of people it is. The focus is making a wonderful Christmas. Make sure there is enough food for left overs, and the bin. Make sure that presents are exactly what everyone wants, no matter the cost. I spoke to someone who spent £300 on a hairdryer and begrudged it. 8 year old children with the latest X-Boxes and DS's and iPhones.... even those who follow Christ can get swept up in the wanting the day to be special for His birth, can sometimes forget that the Jesus, the King, our Saviour was satisfied with the presence (not presents) of those who wanted to show him the most powerful gift, love. That the Wise Men/Kings/Magi were able to give gifts was not even important, Jesus never asked for these, Mary and Joseph never asked for these, the main thing is that they came to see Him. The lamb gifted meant so much because it was not asked for and it was all the Shepherds had.

I pray that we can all remeber to celebrate Christmas this year, not xmas.

Have a blessed and Merry Christmas!


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