Tuesday 22 November 2016

Are you IN? or OF?

I love reading. I could happily spend entire days reading, I've read entire Harry Potter books in 12 hours on release days, I have sat in one chair and read 3 or 4 Narnia books in one sitting. Before my e-reader I would carry 3 books with me. One I was currently reading, one to follow and one in case I read both through and may be caught bookless!!

 Therefore, by default, I have ended up with a real appreciation for language and grammar. Which didn't happen until I left school. Its funny (curious and interesting, not amusing, prime example) in the English language, native speakers like myself; we misapply words all the time.

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking a lot about how we use the word belief. I believe that it will snow again before December, but I don't feel it in my core. The definite assurance that it will snow. I don't have the conviction to go and by snow boots, until it snows and its too late, I'll get wet feet until I get them. When it melts, if I haven't made time for that requirement, I won't buy them, or even think about them until the snow comes again.

How many of us who call ourselves followers of Christ, say 'I believe IN God' but really mean 'I believe OF Him'. 

We believe of His existence, we believe that He has done all the miracles laid claim by Him. 
But do we believe IN Him. We all have our doubts in difficult times that God is protecting us, no matter how small an amount, even if for a moment, our Faith IN Him flickers.   

Do you believe IN Him, do you know that he is constant? And all His promises over your life will be fulfilled?

Or do you believe OF Him, that He is there, but you have not let yourself go into His hands?

When someone says to you, 'I will do that', you don't doubt that they exist, just their conviction to follow through. You might question their ability, or their method. Or you might roll your eyes and think sure, you don't believe them.

God has more ability, and much more superior methods than we have, than what we can possibly understand. So maybe its time to ask yourself, do you believe IN God, or just of His existence?

Thanks for reading!

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