Friday 17 February 2017

Just ask for directions!!!

We are such doubters. If something comes against what we are wanting to do, we doubt everything we do and who we are. Pretend we are in a labyrinth, one with high hedge walls, and we are all trying to get to the middle. Now the middle obviously represents something different to each of us, a partner/family, an enjoyable job, financial security, early retirement, but lets for a moment treat the labyrinth as our life and the centre is where we will be with God.

So God is the place in the centre that we are seeking. And the paths of the labyrinth are the ways to get to him. We know that this labyrinth has more than one route, and more than one walker, but which walker goes with what path.... which is the right path for me? 

Now we add dead ends into the mix, The first few times we hit dead ends we are still energetic and empowered, turning straight around and finding the path, using all the force that a swimmer uses when flipping around to take another length, But the more dead ends we walk down the more frustrating it is and eventually we question why we are even on the journey if we are always going down the wrong way. We can stop at this wall, and we can't push past it, we can kick and scream in anger and frustration but the dead end is still a dead end, And even worse is when you forget that you can turn around and try a different route, or you feel there is no point because it feels like you are going backwards and we stop. We slump to the ground too despondent to even imagine a healthier place to be than this dark and unlivable damp floor, with the walls growing darker and scarier, sinking deeper and deeper into the ditch that has begun to form around us. 

There are also little alcoves with comfortable benches in this labyrinth, we can view these as way points on our journey to God, these are the things that people can misinterpret as the final destination. Some people are so intent on finding a certain alcove that they forget about reaching the centre of the maze. Some people reach an alcove and instead of resting for a while before moving on, camp out because its a comfy place to be, they want to get to the middle but where they are on the path is comfortable so they won't move on. 

And then there are the people that want to enjoy all the alcoves at once, they spend there time running from alcove to alcove, never really spending any real time or focus on one but all their time used up with getting this and that and feeling busy that they feel they will loose the alcoves if they continue on the path to God at the centre, so they talk abut following the path to God but dont alocate any time or persistence to it. 

On top of that there are those of us who are feel like we are aimlessly wandering, or completely lost as to which route to take or what alcoves to rest at. 
And to even further our frustrations there are puddles and hurdles when we get on the right path, so much so we can be covinced to feel that we are on the wrong path! 

When we are going down the right road but it looks wrong we check our directions. We check the sat nav, or map ;) I print out google directions because I like having a written reference. Why is it that we forget to pay attention to the directions in our labyrinth? The things that help us comfirm our direction or help us get on the right course or gain momentum or help us up we so easily miss! Because God wants to share his directions but you need to ask for them. You need to show you want to go down the right road and you want to hear what he is saying.

And how to get your set of directions, You Pray. You pray and look at your print out. (That's your bible by the way :D)

What I am trying to say is that we have to ask God humbly for the things which will help us find him, and enable us to help lead others.  That no matter the current path, alcove, ditch, dead end, theres always a set of directions that can lead us to the centre. 

thanks for reading :)

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